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University website: http://www.umontreal.ca/<br>
University website: http://www.umontreal.ca/<br>
School of Rehabilitation website: http://www.readap.umontreal.ca/eng/index.htm<br>
School of Rehabilitation website: http://www.readap.umontreal.ca/<br>
Admissions website : http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/admission/index.html<br>
Admissions website : http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/admission/index.html<br>

Revision as of 14:24, 2 November 2012

Physical Therapy
Canadian universities




University website: http://www.umontreal.ca/
School of Rehabilitation website: http://www.readap.umontreal.ca/
Admissions website : http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/admission/index.html

Admission office phone : Lisa Breau (514) 343-7076
Info on Physiotherapy program: (514) 343-7833, (514)343-6111 ext. 1480
Admissions e-mail : Go to http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/admission/index.html, and beneath the “pour nous joindre” heading, click “par courriel>>>”.

Admission Requirements

General Notes

  • The physiotherapy degree is grouped under the “réadaptation physique” (physical re-adaptation) degree.
  • Language of instruction is exclusively French.
  • If the applicant’s previous language of instruction was not French they may be required to pass a French knowledge test ($60 fee).
  • Students are accepted from all over Canada.
  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens or have permanent resident status.


Required classes

  • A CEGEP DEC or equivalent
  • CEGEP level:
    • Biology 301 and 401
    • Chemistry 101, and 201 or 202
    • Math 103, 105, 203
    • Physics 101, 201, 301
  • Applicants who have completed a CEGEP DEC must have completed at least 12 university credits.
  • Applicants who do not have a DEC must have completed at least 24 university credits.
  • Re-adaptation technicians are also eligible to apply.

Check out this link for more information: http://www.progcours.umontreal.ca/programme/cgi/az00100?nom_fichier=174511&adresse=www.etudes.umontreal.ca%2Findex_fiche_prog%2F&suffixe=_desc&x=11&y=7


Supporting Documents

  • A copy of the applicant’s cumulative grades is required. This includes high school, CEGEP, and university grades.
  • Applicants are judged solely on their grades.

Check out this link for more information: http://www.progcours.umontreal.ca/programme/cgi/az00100?nom_fichier=174511&adresse=www.etudes.umontreal.ca%2Findex_fiche_prog%2F&suffixe=_desc&x=11&y=7

French language conditions

  • Applicants must pass the "Épreuve uniforme de langue et littérature française du ministère de l'Éducation du Québec".
  • Applicants must obtain a minimum of 850/990 on the test de français international (TFI).

Check out this link for more information: http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/index_fiche_prog/130040_desc.html


  • Competitive applicants for entry will be asked to attend an admissions interview.
  • The interviewers will assess an applicant’s experience and contribution to society.

Check out this link for more information: http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/index_fiche_prog/130040_desc.html


  • Deadline for application form and application fee ($50) is February 1.

Check out this links for more information: http://www.etudes.umontreal.ca/admission/dates_limites.html


  • Tuition (per session) for a full time student (equivalent of 15 credits) from Quebec $1,033.90
  • Tuition (per session) for a full time student from the rest of Canada is $2,929.05
  • Tuition (per session) for a full time foreign student (equivalent of 15 credits) is $7,280.85.
  • Students who must rent an apartment should estimate that their living expenses are $1,500/per month. This includes:
    • Rent and utilities: $500/month
    • Food: $350/month
    • Transportation: $60/month
    • Books and supplies: $600/year
    • Telephone: $40/month
    • Misc.: $150/month
  • Financial aid and scholarships are available to students. Please consult http://www.baf.umontreal.ca/ for more information.
    • Check out these links for more information:

http://www.futursetudiants.umontreal.ca/2008/prospective/stud_finances/qc_students.html http://www.futursetudiants.umontreal.ca/2008/prospective/stud_finances/can_stu_nonresqc.html http://www.futursetudiants.umontreal.ca/2008/prospective/stud_finances/foreign_stu.html


  • 4 spaces are reserved for returning students who were previously enrolled in the program.
  • 4 spaces are reserved for francophones from outside of Quebec.
  • 5 spaces are reserved for special circumstances/ “candidatures particulaires”.
  • 9 spaces are reserved for re-adaptation technicians.
  • 1 space is reserved for a francophone from outside of Canada.
  • At least 38 places are reserved for applicants entering from college
  • The remaining places are reserved for applicants entering from university.

Check out this link for more information: http://www.progcours.umontreal.ca/programme/cgi/az00100?nom_fichier=174511&adresse=www.etudes.umontreal.ca%2Findex_fiche_prog%2F&suffixe=_desc&x=11&y=7